Friday, April 16, 2010

abraham lincoln.

aahhh, abe lincoln. how we, at things we like, love thee. no, we don't just like you, we totally love you. you were completely and utterly awesome. and that's the only way i can put it.

pictured above is one of the rare photos in which the great honest abe actually smiled. and, i mean, what did he have to smile about? after having lost one of his sons to tuberculosis, he lost his beloved son willie to fever at the age of 11. he suffered from what we'd now characterize as clinical depression, and his wife went totally insane (literally, she was involuntarily committed to an insane asylum in 1875) after willie died.

but enough about that. he should have been smiling - at his own AWESOME. have i mentioned that he's awesome? no? ok, he's awesome. he fixed a broken nation when it needed it the most, and drew up one of the most important documents in history: the emancipation proclamation. which is pretty skilled.

so here's to you, mr. lincoln. we love you. and if we had actually known you in the first place, we would probably miss you a whole lot.



p.s. we cried over a 5 dollar bill on april 14th.

Monday, April 5, 2010


whatever you want to call it - a snog, a smooch, macking, a french, meeting, a lip-lock, a peck - kisses are just nice.

